By Bryan Jameison & Lee Boothby


Driftwood Publications

[new address: P.O. Box 23732, San Diego, CA 92193, www.pastlife-therapy.com]

ISBN: 0-9609478-0-9 [out of print]

Copyright © 1990 by Bryan Jameison and Lee Boothby.

All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions in any form.

[Here reproduced with the permission of Beryl Brown, Bryan Jameison’s widow, and Lee Boothby]




According to the most recent statistics available, there are over one and a half million abortions performed annually in the United States alone. These abortions not only affect the expectant mother, but also other family members and this society as a whole. Because of this fact, it is imperative that we understand the forces, seen and unseen, which have contributed to the creation of this major social schism.

The sole intent of this booklet is to share information acquired by Bryan Jameison during the course of over twenty years of research into the phenomenon of human reincarnation. As a past life regressionist he has facilitated over thirty thousand past life regressions, and has gained certain insights into the reincarnational process which are unattainable through any other means but regression.

This work is a part of his forthcoming book entitled, “The Reincarnation Report”, which explores, in greater depth, the entire reincarnational process and its effect upon every facet of our lives. However, because of the importance of the abortion issue, this portion of the book is being published under separate cover.

Our hope is that this booklet will provide you with some much-needed answers to a present life problem facing millions of people today.

Lee Boothby



The age-old practice of willfully terminating a human pregnancy is one of the most emotionally explosive and controversial issues of our time, comparable to the Civil War or the Vietnam conflict in its divisive effect upon the American people.

Nearly everyone has an opinion on the subject, either for or against. Yet, just as occurred with the volatile issues of slavery and Vietnam, where passions run high, rationality runs dry — and when reason fails, violence prevails — whether it involves bombing abortion clinics or going to war, the end result is chaos in the name of righteousness.

To millions of people, the abortion issue is more important than matters of foreign policy, national health care, education, or the pathetic plight of the homeless. It has turned many religious congregations against their ministers, priests, or rabbis, while it has turned other congregations into armed camps. It has destroyed political careers, turned family members against each other, and has cost many people their jobs. In short, it has become an open festering wound in the soul of our nation.

Until now, I have made it a policy to avoid publicly discussing the subject of abortion. However, in the course of pursuing my career as a past life regressionist, I have been a witness to the severe, emotionally agonizing impact that this issue has had on so many of my clients, and as a result, I have decided to share what only someone in my position could know.

As a regressionist, I have interviewed thousands of people who have, as living, intelligent souls, made their transition from the spiritual to the physical realms and vice versa over and over again. As a result of these interviews, I have collected invaluable data, and have gained certain insights and knowledge about the reincarnational process, which is unattainable through any other means except regression. My observations and conclusions can, I believe, shed new light on the questions of what a human being is, when a soul actually enters the human body, and the karmic repercussions of abortion. Hopefully, what I have found will help to set a few people’s minds at ease, while at the same time inject some sanity into an otherwise irrational melee.


Bryan Jameison


Abortion & Reincarnation

At the beginning of each session, I interview my client in depth prior to the actual regression. If a woman has ever had an abortion, it will invariably surface during this talk. All too often, when this is the case, she will have silently suffered from years of unresolved guilt, which, in many cases, has nearly destroyed the quality of her life and distorted or severely damaged her self-esteem and sense of self-worth. More often than not, these women have lived for years with the haunting fear that they may have murdered their own helpless unborn babies without consciously realizing it at the time of their abortions.

The majority of these women believed that they were merely ridding their physical systems of an unwanted “it” — a something that could ruin the rest of their lives unless “it” ceased to exist. Later, however, many became tormented by the question of whether this “it” was actually a “complete” human being.

This question is at the heart of the abortion issue, and since my business is dealing with the subjects of human life, death, and rebirth (not morality or legalities), my clients have naturally assumed that I might be able to provide a more objective perspective into the issue of whether having an abortion is the equivalent of taking a human life.

But what is a human being and what is human life comprised of? Films such as “The Silent Scream”, which features a living, human fetus moving around inside its potential mother’s womb, implies that biological life in fetal form equals the existence of a human being.

Granted, the fetus appearing in this film certainly looks like a human baby, however, my research has shown that in order to be classified as a “complete” human being one must be imbued with two separate and distinct energies, namely, life force and the human soul. The failure to recognize this distinction between life force and the human soul, is, in my opinion, the primary factor which clouds and distorts the abortion issue.

According to Webster’s New World Dictionary, Second College Edition, a soul is, “an entity which is regarded as being the immortal or spiritual part of the person and, though having no physical or material reality, is credited with the functions of thinking and willing, and hence determining all behavior.” (Emphasis added).

Now, let’s take a look at Webster’s definition of life: “That property of plants and animals which makes it possible for them to take in food, get energy from it, grow, adapt themselves to their surroundings, and reproduce their kind: it is the quality that distinguishes a living animal or plant from inorganic matter or a dead organism.”

There is a clear distinction between these two definitions — each describes a different energy. Life force is that animating element of human life, which as human beings, we share with every other living thing on this planet. The same life force, which animates you, is operational in your pet cat, the roses in your garden, as well as the earthworms in the ground. In other words, just because an organism is alive as a result of this life force, it doesn’t necessarily follow that a soul is embodied therein. Few of us would argue that earthworms have souls, and yet, they are as alive as any one of us. We all share the same life force — life is life, regardless of the form it takes.

There are those among us who contend that prior to the biological act of conception, the soul does not preexist, and therefore, that souls are created through the process of copulation. To me, this position is not only absurd, but also profane, since my research has shown that as spiritual beings we have always existed. However, regardless of your beliefs about the soul’s preexistence, or how and when the soul comes into being, I think we can all agree that without its presence in a fetus or a human body, a human being as we know it, can not and does not exist, even though a life force is present.

When, then, does a soul first take possession of a human body? Many of the world’s greatest minds have grappled with this question for centuries. For instance, history tells us that Aristotle was of the opinion that the soul was first present in a male fetus forty days after conception, and in the female after ninety days. I have no idea what led the great Aristotle to arrive at this conclusion, unless it could have been a touch of chauvinism.

We also have the belief of Aristotle, who concluded that the fetus was, “infused with a soul at the moment of quickening,” (the moment when the fetus first moves within the mother’s body). This movement, of course, indicates the presence of life force in the fetus, but it does not necessarily mean that the soul is also present.

In my research, I have found that after the brain is formed, the soul may drop in and out of the developing fetus for occasional visits, up to and including going through the actual delivery process. However, the soul makes no final commitment to incarnate until the newborn baby takes its first independent breath. It is at that very moment, that the bond between body and soul is set for the duration of its upcoming lifetime.

This part of the soul’s incarnational process is similar to having a suit tailor-made: even though you might try it on from time to time, you would NOT accept delivery until it was finished — ESPECIALLY if you knew the tailor had no intention of completing the garment. With this in mind, it should be obvious that having an abortion is quite different from murder, since the fetus — although imbued with life — is not yet in possession of a soul, nor is a soul in possession of it.

The soul’s choice is ALWAYS the determining factor behind any earthly experience, regardless of its nature or duration. On this point, even the late Pope Pius XII agreed, for he defined a human being as a, “psychosomatic unit which is directed and controlled by the dictates of the soul.”

The fact that, as souls, we choose what our next incarnation will be, should be of some interest to anyone who has either had, or is now thinking of having an abortion. The soul knows exactly what it will get into during any given incarnation — for better or for worse — BEFORE choosing a particular lifetime. In order for the soul to make an intelligent decision, it not only must be, but also is, in complete possession of all necessary information pertaining to its upcoming lifetime — including the beginning and ending of it.

Prior to incarnating, the soul is also in constant communication at a psychic level with the woman who may or may not choose to be its mother. During its preincarnational state, there are no secrets between the potential mother and the incoming soul. If the soul’s potential mother has decided to have an abortion, the soul is INSTANTLY aware of this choice, and therefore is elsewhere at the time of the abortion. Obviously, no soul would choose to be present in the body for such a traumatic experience, and for the record, I have never interviewed anyone who has. When a soul has decided to be reborn, it will NOT pick a fetus that is not going to be born alive, any more than you would accept delivery of an unfinished suit.

If a soul has chosen to incarnate through a particular woman, for some karmic reason or otherwise, it will do so regardless of the number of times she chooses to abort, and NOTHING can stop it.

In one case, a client waited in spirit for his future mother to go through two abortions and one miscarriage before she was finally ready to have a baby. While still in spirit form, he was completely aware of the circumstances surrounding her choices to abort as well as the miscarriage. He waited to incarnate until the timing was perfect for all parties concerned. Her abortions were something that she had to experience for her own karmic reasons and had nothing to do with him. However, mother and son had an appointment to keep during this lifetime and it was eventually kept.

It is important to note here, that the soul’s choice to incarnate through a particular female is apparently often influenced by her choice of mates. For instance, if the potential father’s genetic or psychological make-up is unsatisfactory for the soul’s purposes, it will choose to pass on that opportunity to incarnate, and will wait until a satisfactory mate has been selected by its future mother.

In cases of stillbirth and crib death, the soul has obviously decided, for its own reasons, either to leave the body or never occupy it, and its decision may have nothing to do with the parents wrong-doing in the past or the present.

From what I have seen, the soul is very much in the same position as a new actor joining a theatrical company already in production. Before incarnating, the soul has an opportunity to preview its up-and-coming life on earth as a human being. It is well aware of who its parents will be, and the life style it will have an opportunity to experience. It also knows what its karmic history is involving other members of the family unit, as well as significant individuals it will meet along the way. Its decision to incarnate or not to incarnate is also made in concurrence with other significant members of its future incarnational cast of characters.

As to the karmic repercussions of abortion on the woman, I have conducted countless regressions where it has been discovered that in a past life my clients have terminated a pregnancy. In these cases, I have found no evidence of negative, spiritual after-effects associated with their act, unless they carried unresolved guilt to their death. In those cases, this guilt could and has created emotional distress in subsequent lives. The problem has resulted from the guilt associated with the act, however, and not the act itself.

There are as many reasons for women choosing to have an abortion as there are women having them, and in many cases, these reasons can be traced to past life experiences.

Traditionally, a woman’s role on this planet has been to bear children. In the past (and in many cultures even today), children were looked upon not only as a means to carry on the family name, but also as a source of cheap labor, and as a form of old age insurance for the parents — the more children you had the greater the likelihood you would have someone to care for you, when you were no longer able to care for yourself. As a result, a woman’s ability to conceive and bear children was one of the primary factors in being chosen as a wife, and oftentimes, the more children a woman had, the more honored her social position would be in her community. In fact, a woman’s inability or refusal to bear children is still grounds for divorce in many cultures.

Although a married woman in traditional society was encouraged to bear children, pregnancy out of wedlock was forbidden. In those societies, if an unmarried woman became pregnant, she could face punishment ranging from the inhumane practice of shunning, to even death. Even today, many a small-town girl is forced to leave her home, family, and friends when it is discovered that she is pregnant.

In my practice, I have regressed hundreds of women who, in a past life, have been on the receiving end of such punishment and discrimination, and, in many cases, the humiliation, fear, and emotional trauma they sustained in a past life has left permanent scars on their souls, which have bled through into their present incarnations. This bleed-through effect has often caused these women to react in seemingly illogical ways, and has had a decided influence, at an unconscious level, on their choice to terminate a present life pregnancy.

For example, one seventeen-year-old girl came to me when she was only two months pregnant. She was inordinately terrified of her pregnancy, but was opposed to having an abortion because of her strict religious training. She believed that having an abortion would condemn her to Hell. By the time she came to me, she was extremely distraught. Being caught between her religiously instilled guilt and her overwhelming fear of being pregnant, she saw no way out of her situation, and hoped that I could help her to resolve this dilemma.

We traced the reason for her panic to an incarnation in the Middle East many hundreds of years ago. There, once again as a seventeen-year-old girl, she became pregnant by a young man who had promised to marry her, but changed his mind and deserted her, after he learned she was pregnant.

During her pregnancy, she was kept in seclusion and cruelly mistreated by her family until the child was born. Shortly after the delivery, as she was still lying exhausted on the dirt floor with her baby by her side, her father grabbed her by the hair, jerked her head back, and proceeded to cut her throat — all the while screaming threatening obscenities at her and her newborn baby. She died strangling on her own blood, wondering what fate would befall her child after she was gone. Upon leaving the body, the last thing she was aware of was her father reaching for the baby.

The pain and the horror she experienced during her months of pregnancy, left lasting emotional scars, which carried over into her present life. At soul level, she still believed that if she gave birth, she would die horribly. She was also experiencing a deep sense of humiliation and unworthiness, even though, in this lifetime, her parents were supportive and understanding.

Through regression, my young client was able to release her long-held guilt, terror, and feelings of unworthiness. She was also able to set aside her fears of going to Hell, because she realized that there was no such place — except for the one her distorted beliefs had created.

During her regression, she also discovered that what she had endured in the past life where she had been murdered, was a direct consequence of yet an earlier life where she, as a male, had deserted a woman he had gotten pregnant. Because of this knowledge, she was able to see that the entire scenario was part of a larger picture and that her tragic experience in a former life need not be played out again. Subsequently, my client chose to go through with her abortion, and then went on to live a normal life, free of the crushing guilt and fear that had once plagued her.

(Fortunately, the non-hypnotic process which I use enables my clients to reexperience and release the emotions created by their past life traumas, without having to reexperience the physical pain which often accompanies those traumas.)

In another case, a career woman in her late thirties, came to me several years after having an abortion. At the time of her abortion, she wanted the child, but felt COMPELLED to terminate her pregnancy for some inexplicable reason — as if it were something she HAD to do.

She never had a problem with her abortion, until she was exposed to pro-life propaganda. Then she became confused, and eventually came to see me in the hopes of discovering whether or not she had murdered her baby, and why, at the time of her pregnancy, she felt compelled to abort.

During her regression, we discovered that in many of her previous lives as a woman, she had done nothing but bear and raise children, even though she felt capable of accomplishing much more. In the past, all other outlets for her creativity were barred, and she felt as if her only reason for existing was to repopulate the world.

Because of the number of children she had brought into the world, she often found herself, throughout her past lives, trapped in unrewarding and unfulfilling marriages with men whom she felt had used her and abused her relentlessly. At soul level, she equated having children with enduring a life sentence of abuse, humiliation, and frustration, and as a result, was determined NEVER to let that happen again.

In the course of her regression, she came to understand her aversion to having children, and recognized the reasons underlying her avoidance of becoming involved with any man who wanted to get married. She also became aware of the fact that no soul was present within the fetus at the time of her abortion.

These insights not only allowed her to release whatever fears she might have had about murdering her unborn baby, but also enabled her to better understand her negative attitude about marriage, and her burning desire to maintain her independence at any cost.

Another story involves a lady who had just recently had an abortion, and was puzzled by the fact that she felt exhilarated by the experience. She had expected to feel guilt or anxiety but instead had felt nothing but relief and joy.

Through her regression, we found that she had died during childbirth in three separate incarnations. In two of her past lives, both she and the baby had died. In the third incarnation, the baby survived but she had died shortly after giving birth.

Her fear and grief from these past life experiences was overwhelming. Consequently, at soul level, to spare herself from going through a similar situation in this lifetime, she had been DETERMINED to get “IT” (the fetus), before “IT” got her! Here again, we are looking at the human need to survive, and a willingness, on the soul’s part, to do whatever it takes to stay alive in body.

After the regression, her mind was at ease, and she later chose to marry. At the time of this writing, she is the happy mother of two healthy children.

Because stories such as these are so commonplace, I couldn’t possibly recount them all. However, these few examples serve to illustrate the fact that as souls we all have reasons for doing what we do, even though these reasons are often buried deep within our unknown past. Although we are all accountable for our decisions, in order to understand the motivations behind them, we have to look at the larger picture. This is impossible, of course, if one excludes reincarnation from their belief system.

My focus throughout my research has been on the spiritual facts of life and not morality. First one survives, and then one moralizes. However, as ego-centered human beings, we have the freedom to agonize, moralize, and theorize over life’s apparent tragedies as much as we choose. History has proven, however, that whatever is or is not moral has a tendency to change, as ignorance is eventually replaced by knowledge.

A woman’s right to choose the course of her life, including the decision to have an abortion, is, and should be, hers, and hers alone, just as the soul’s right to choose is its alone. From a spiritual standpoint, we are all free souls capable of making independent decisions and responsible for our individual choices. As Shakespeare once said, we are all but players on life’s stage — and as such, we are responsible for the way we choose to play out our respective roles.

On a spiritual level of consciousness, there are no villains, victims or heroes, however, because of our human nature, we tend to see everything that happens to us within the narrow context of our current lifetime, and once in body, we usually lose sight of the big picture. We forget that as spiritual beings we have always existed and that we have already lived through many other incarnations before this one.

I am not saying that having an abortion is nothing to worry about, because to some women who have had one it is. However, having such an experience need not shatter the rest of one’s life because of some self-imposed, inappropriate and disproportionate guilt resulting from erroneous beliefs, which have no basis in fact from the standpoint of spiritual realities.


About Bryan Jameison

Bryan’s first book, published in 1975, “How To Explore Your Past Lives Without Hypnosis”, established him as a pioneer in the field of reincarnational research. Since its publication, Bryan has facilitated over one hundred workshops, and has lectured extensively throughout the United States, Canada, and Western Europe. He has appeared on both Canadian and U.S. national television, most recently, facilitating two regressions on the Gary Collins Show, (Hour Magazine). Stories about his research have also been featured in several national and international publications, as well as numerous radio programs throughout the country.

Bryan resides in San Diego, California, … [the rest has been left out since sadly he died in December 2002. His several new books – but not this booklet, which is out of print – are available via the Internet under the following WebPage address: www.pastlife-therapy.com].


About Lee Boothby

Lee Boothby, in addition to being an author, has been a practicing attorney for more than 25 years. She is a partner in the law firm of Maestas, Baker, Boothby and Warren in Taos, New Mexico. Her first book, Mind-Power – The Ultimate 15-Second Formula to Transform Your Life Forever, a powerful 4-step process that represents the feminine model of deliberate manifestation, can be ordered at the following link:  http://taosmountainpublishing.com/store. Watch for her up and coming second book, How to Exceed Your Financial Potential and Maximize Your Quality of Life (expected publication date January 2007), which can be pre-ordered through Taos Mountain Publishing. [Added 2006 to this website version.]


Note: A percentage of publisher’s profits will be donated to those organizations supporting orphans and homeless children.