Abortion and reincarnation

1. Abortion and reincarnation?

2. A text by Bryan Jameison and Lee Boothby

3. Regression experiences



Abortion and reincarnation?

This is a difficult question! And it must under no circumstances be taken as an excuse to lightheartedly have a child aborted!

But if there is reincarnation, it is obvious that the soul of the child will reincarnate again… There is no reason, logical or whatever else, why an aborted child would be excluded from reincarnation.

Still, abortion is killing!

So: Can there be cases in which abortion is tolerable?

Certainly for medical reasons, if the health and survival of the mother is at stake. And probably few will object to abortion in the case of rape. Provided, of course, that it is done in the first few weeks. But can there be more aspects to consider?

I am in no way advocating abortion, but I am even less advocating that a child will have an unhappy and traumatizing childhood. So what is the least bad?


What is the lesser evil?

Abortion or child traumatization from a loveless and violent childhood?

A statistic investigation in the USA was published in 2001 [1-3], which has shown that 15-20 years after legalization of abortion there was a significant reduction of criminality and drug abuse. The explanation is logical: If a woman (or maybe her environment) wants to abort, but is forced to have a child she doesn't want (for whatever reasons), she would with a high probability not become a loving mother. Her child would with an equally high probability become a victim of waywardness and lovelessness, maybe even violence and abuse (and the mother might not care about the latter happening). Psychological consequences of such traumatization are quite obvious (and well known in psychology)…

Militant opponents to abortion deny the validity of that report with arguments that appear a lot less logical. (Strangely enough, some of them don’t refrain from killing physicians who perform abortions, replacing what they see as a sin with a much heavier one…) They seem to have never considered the consequences for a child forced to grow up under above-mentioned conditions. If they in such a manner stick to every letter of their personal faith and rather condemn a child to have a childhood hell, they seem not to know what true love is… And they may make themselves to what they don’t believe in: Unconscious executors of karma…

One may rather object that a mother or the parents could change their attitude during the pregnancy and at the end accept the child with love. Here, again, we have to consider probabilities. How probable is this in the individual case? If it is small, the result could most likely be that the child will have most of the havoc and soul injury…



1.    John J. Donahue III and Steven D. Levitt: »The Impact of Legalized Abortion on Crime«, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, vol. CXVI, issue 2, May 2001, pp. 379-420. Available in the Internet as a PDF file from 
http://pricetheory.uchicago.edu/levitt/Papers/DonohueLevittTheImpactOfLegalized2001.pdf You will find three more download sources under http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=174508.

2.    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Impact_of_Legalized_Abortion_on_Crime. A discussion of the above article.

3.    Steven Levitt and J. Dubner: Freakonomics, HarperCollins, New York, 2005.



Abortion & Reincarnation by Bryan Jameison and Lee Boothby


Bryan Jameison and Lee Boothby wrote a booklet (out of print) about results from regression experiences concerning abortion and reincarnation. Their research is included as a separate file here.



Some regression experiences


I have had a few cases where a regression experience involved abortion.

There is no doubt that the act of abortion involves karma, and this in a double manner:

It is found in regressions that if a child is aborted (or lost through miscarriage), it may very well incarnate anew with the same mother, if she gets pregnant again.

Once a woman came and said: “I cannot trust my mother! I don’t know why, but I feel distrust for her”.

She soon experienced herself as a male fetus in the belly of the same mother. The parents considered their economical situation to be such that they wouldn’t afford to have a child. She felt fear. The next scene was in a physician’s office. He filled out an application for abortion, and she felt still more fear. The application was granted. Then she was in the scene in an operating room. Her soul was already out of the fetus and she with anger told how the fetus was pulled out of the mother’s womb and thrown in a waste bin. Several years later the mother became pregnant again. The client’s soul entered her womb anew, and this time it was a female fetus. From the beginning she felt a distrust for her mother, which, unconscious of the reason, had persisted even after growing up.

In some other cases, the soul instead incarnated with another mother.


The experience of abortion is traumatic for the soul of the child. But afterwards, there is usually rather a feeling of relief: “Better this way than having to stay with a mother who doesn’t want me!” A failed abortion attempt seems to be a heavier trauma than a successful one.

Once a woman said: “I hate my mother! But I don’t know why!” She experienced how during the pregnancy her actual mother tried an illegal abortion (with a back-yard abortionist), which didn’t work. In that moment she began to hate her mother and carried this hatred with the unconscious memory into her grown-up life. Of course, we released this hatred and searched understanding for the despair of her mother at the time when it had happened.


I have had cases in which the client, while reliving the time in the mother’s womb, said that he or she wanted to die. “I want to leave and go back to where I come from” (the light world). Why? There was a feeling of rejection, of being unwanted. It, of course, didn’t work to leave and go back, since the client was born. This may make us suspect that several cases of miscarriage could have been caused in a similar way, only that the child’s soul was successful and could go back. Maybe this can even explain some of the cases of mysterious sudden deaths of newborn children.


If the client is a woman who has aborted, it is nearly always found that she has feelings of guilt, even though they may well be unconscious. So far, every woman has been allowed to release these feelings of guilt. Why? When she had the abortion, she wasn't aware of the fact that a soul was involved, or she was pressed to do it against her will from her environment. In many cases the client said: “If I get pregnant again, the child will live. I'll never do that again”, which is, of course, one more reason for not needing to have feelings of guilt any more.


The pressure of the environment can be remarkably nasty. In one case the client was a baby in the womb of an unmarried young woman. When she had to confess to her very Catholic father, he reacted as follows: “Get out of my house! You are no longer my daughter! I will not tolerate to have a whore in my house!” – and he called himself a Christian...! If we fail in such a terrible way in Christian love when such a thing happens, and fail to give the woman and her child the help and support they need, we have failed in the love that the Gospel teaches us! Not only the woman, but also the innocent child is “punished” and traumatized through such an evil behavior... This woman did not abort but the client – her child – went through a trauma that had grave consequences later in life.


In to-day’s world there should not by far be the need for abortions in the numbers in which they are actually performed (plus wanted but denied). The main remedy against them is appropriate sex education and the use of condoms (or other birth-control means). Religious groups which strive to control the freedom of the individual often try to forbid both. Thus they share the guilt for all the abortions performed as well as for all the children, which as a result of abortion denial grew up traumatized from a loveless childhood and become criminals (red-handed or white-collar...), drug addicts and the like – and for all the children who innocently are born HIV-infected. May human beings mature to take due control of their own lives and decide for themselves, instead of being manipulated “sheep” of such immorally power-greedy organizations.


For a discussion of sexuality and the Bible, see this article.